Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wednesday, 6/4/08 Reported By: Nina

Today was a very exciting! We first got in from the playground. Then we did some pages from our religion book. Then we read chapters 24 and 25 of are book called “Snow Treasure”. After we read Ms. Jensen showed us that next Tuesday we are going to have Sock Day! It is when you make a sock and enter it in cool contest like most funniest. I was shocked how good other socks were.

After that it was time to do our Reading Stations. My group was on the comprehension game in the library. We did not go to another stations. We played triples. After Reading stations it was time to go out for snack. At snack it was very cold.

After snack it was time for Math. Today we were learning about exponents and square roots.  When we got the hang of it Ms. Jensen gave us a work sheet to work on. After that we corrected our religion, Social Studies and Science worksheet.  We then went out to lunch. At lunch we played dodge ball.  After lunch we went to P.E. we played soccer and paramedic.

  When went inside to do our Tuesday packets we could not do it on Tuesday because Ms. Jensen was absent.  After the Tuesday packet we all took our Science test.  When we were finished with our Science test we were to read quietly in the library.  At 2:55 we packed up and 3:00 we went home.  This was an exciting day at St. Timothy School. 

Tuesday, 6/3/08 Reported By: Grant

I barely got to school on time.  When I got there, the bell rang.  It was Ms. Jensen’s first time back since Thursday.  She went to Chicago for a funeral.  She took us inside so we can do Religion.  We did pages 260- 261.  After that we did a worksheet.  Then we practiced our speeches for yucky stuff.  My speech was about spit. 

            While we were doing that we were talking about the overdue Library Books that people did not turn in.  Some people lost their Library privileges.  After all that, we did Reading Stations.  My group went to Reading Comprehension, and the Game Station.  Finally, we went to see a play.

            The play was about, “Alice and Wonderland.”  Five of my classmates were in the play.  It took about one hour and 30 minutes.  It was a good play though.  Since the play took longer than we expected, we postponed our speech until tomorrow.  We also had to have Recess a little later. 

            While we were waiting, we did another Station.  We went to Computer Station.  We did that until it was time for Recess.  When it was time for Recess we cleaned up to go outside.  After Recess we corrected our Worksheet and Pretest.  After we did a worksheet until it was time for lunch.  Finally it was Lunch.

            After lunch it was time for Music.  First we warmed up our voices.  Next we sang two songs that we already know.  Then, we learned a new song written by the Beatles.  It is called, “Yesterday”.  Also we did some other warm ups.  Finally at the end of the class we did our Recorder Tests.  Then we got ready for our next class.

            After that we were getting ready to Deposit money into our Bank Accounts.  It is fake money though.  While we were doing that we were doing a Science Worksheet for our test tomorrow.  I did not get to be Bank Teller today because there wasn’t enough time.  So I’m going to do it first thing we get in the classroom tomorrow.  Finally we cleaned up and went home.  This was one of the best days of school.

Monday, 6/2/08 Reported By: Sofia

Today we returned to school from our weekend.  Ms. Jensen was not in school today because she is in Chicago taking care of her mother and family while attending the funeral of her Aunt.  Ms. Rodriguez was our teacher for the day.  As usual the day started with the daily schedule and we corrected the errors in a paragraph.  Next class was religion.  We studied the story of King Midas.  This story is about not being greedy.  After that we had our reading stations.  We switched three times.  We did a little bit of language arts and then it was time for recess.  I really enjoyed my snack today.  We soon returned to class and continued with language arts.  After that at we did our math stations.  Lunch came next and we all enjoyed a break from class study.  When we returned from lunch we heard speeches from the 8th graders.  They are graduating this week and came to talk to us about the SLE (Student Learning Expectations).  It taught us about what the 8th graders have learned and about their studying a lot of poetry in the 8th grade.  After the speeches we came in and did science and social studies.  We were also able to watch a little bit of the Bee Movie before having to clean up and get ready for dismissal.  We all missed Ms. Jensen but  were happy that she was with her family at this very sad time.  Nine more days till summer vacation! 

Friday, 5/30/08 Reported By: Kimberley

Today I am doing Jensen’s Journalist for Friday May 30 2008. Today was a surprising day because Ms. Jensen did not come to school to today. Since Ms. Jensenwas not at school, Ms. Rodriguez the substitute teacher took us to our classroom. Then the morning announcements were made over the intercom and then and we said the Morning Prayer. After we finished, we did our D.O.L. (Daily Oral Language). Then we corrected our D.O.L. and started to read chapters 17-20 of Snow Treasures. Once everybody finished reading we started doing our Religion. Religion did not take a long time to do, so I started doing a word puzzle and a cutout a polygon.
The next subject that we did in class was to take the Spelling Test. I think I got a 100% on the test. When we finished the test, we started our Reading Stations. Finally, Snack came and we played catch with a baseball. When we got back from snack, we did our Language Arts, which was very hard for everybody. The subject we did after Language Arts was Math. In Math, we corrected our Math Pretest and our Math Homework. When we finished, we started to do our math test, which Ms. Rodriguezgave us.
 I was so happy that I finished my math test before it was Lunchtime. After Lunch we did Social Studies which was kind of fun. If we finished early, we could finish our polygon or do word search. She gave us some extra time for us to our polygon or the word search. After she gave us some extra time, she made us start our Science. At least Science was not as bad as Social Studies. It did not take us as long to complete our Science as it did for our Social Studies.
After we finished our Science, we watched a movie for the rest of the time left. Finally, we started to pack up and then the bell rang for us to go home and we headed out the door.   

Thursday, 5/29/08 Reported By: Erwan

Today was a very busy day.We got in the class at 8:00 a.m like every time.When we got in,we listened to  the morning anouncement and did Religion.Then,we read Snow Treasure.Following that,we did Reading Stations.Then ,it was Snack.After this,we corrected our math homework (which was very easy!)Can you believe we are done with our 141 lessons mathbook!Following that,we did some reading stations followed by Social Study test which I did pretty fast!I was very hungry when Lunch came.After Lunch,the fun came!We did Are You Smarter Than A 4th Grader  which is kind of like are you smarter than a 5th grader.We almost lost but still,we won. It is about the 5th time we won and we never lost!  Then we did our little  businesses,today:very good selling! Then it was sadly and Happily,Dissmissal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another Great  Day.