Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thursday, 1/31/08 Reported By: Asha

Today is the 4th day of Catholic School week. It is jeans for Jesus day. My school day started at 8am in the morning with a loud school bell ringing.  Our class went into the classroom and on the board Ms. Jensen wrote down the homework assignments we had to turn in. Then we started our morning work.  Morning work consists of D.O.L. (Daily Oral Language) and special intentions for the day.  My special intention was for the homeless. We then corrected our D.O.L. and went to snack.

      Following snack we went back upstairs to our classroom and had our 100 problem math time test.  Did I mention this is one of my favorite things to do?  Then we corrected our test and last night’s math homework.  We then reviewed tonight’s math homework. Once math time was finished we started our stations and went to lunch.

      Lunch started at 12:20. We ate and played soccer.  We had a great time. It was now time for some friendly class competition.  The whole class went back upstairs to the classroom and Ms. Jensen went into the closet and got our quarters that everyone collected for the Quarter mile class competition. In this competition each grade was to bring enough quarters to equal 5,280 quarters.  Why 5,280? This number is important because 5,280 feet equals one mile.  The quarters were lined up across the school yard so they could be measured. All the money was donated to a charity.  Our class came in third place.  Yeah, way to go 4th grade!

      Afterwards, we went back upstairs to our classroom and finished stations and any missing work.  Then we went to church to practice our special intentions for Friday’s mass tomorrow.  Our class is hosting mass tomorrow. Following mass practice, we went back to the classroom and worked on Gallon man. No one in our class had ever heard of Gallon man.  Gallon man is separated into gallons, quarts, pints and cups. We learned something new, fun huh? Then we started coloring our work.

     Once we finished we packed our bags, cleaned up and wiped down our desks.  Then we read a few pages in “Among the Hidden” and finally it was time to go home.  Whew, guess we didn’t know how much work we do in one day.

Wednesday, 1/30/08 Reported By: Josh

When I got to school all the kids were dressed up as what they want to be when they grow up.  I was dressed up as a doctor.  We were on the playground for a few minutes waiting for the bell to ring.  Finally the bell rang at 8:00 a.m.

            We started the day off doing D.O.L. (Daily Oral Language).  I was done early so I read a book called French Phrase Book.  Then we corrected our D.O.L. and I got 5 out of 5.  J  Afterwards we did our special intentions.  My special intention was for the people that crashed into my apartment building.

            Next we did two rotations, which were Reading Comprehension and Spelling.  In Reading Comprehension we answered questions about the story The World of William Joyce Scrapbook.  Then in Spelling we made a picture of words.  We had a drawing and had to fill it in with words.

            Finally, it was recess. It was cold and windy outside.  At recess we played boys against girls soccer.  We had a great time!

            After recess we had Math class.  During Math we learned about plane figures.  Plane figures are flat shapes that take up a certain amount of area but not space.  We used different colored paper to make three-dimensional figures like cubes, pyramids and cones.  It was so fun!

            At 11:20 a.m. we had lunch.  During lunch we played soccer again.  We had the same teams.  The boys ended up winning 3 to 2.  Good job boys!

            Once that was finished, we had P.E. (Physical Education) class with Coach Beloz.  During P.E. we played soccer, once again, and kickball.  We don’t know who won, but it doesn’t really matter.  P.E. ended at 2:00 p.m. so we all went into our classroom.

            Last, we wrote a “when I grow up I want to be” paragraph.  I want to be a doctor when I grow up.  We did this for about 20 minutes, then Ms. Jensen said, “Pack your things and line up.”  By the time we all finished packing up it was 3:00 p.m.  The day finally ended and the bell rang.

            Another fun day at St. Timothy School completed!!!  

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday, 1/29/08 Reported By: Erwan

It's 8.00 a.m like every morning,and the bell rings. Me and my classmates enter in the classroom. We start our D.O.L (Daily Oral Language). In the interphone, we listen to the announcement. Hurrah! We are the leading the mass on Friday !
In the class, 8 people had costumes for the catholic school week. Then we learned our roles for the mass. Next we reviewed who our penpals from Florida are.
Following was social studies our class is learning about Missions and Spanish Settlers. Ms Jensen said "we are going to do a science fair ". She wrote on the board some categories we could choose. Once that was done, it was finally recess.
After snack, Ms Jensen told us the science fair groups, not so bad. After, we did math. We learned about the G.C.F. (Greatest Common Factors) and the L.C.F. (lowest common factores). When we finish we did langage art and pack up. I finally lunchtime !
Following lunch, we had music for one hour, we used our recorders. Afterwards, we did our tuesday packet, continue the book "Among the Hidden" and finally dissmissal.
What a great day !

Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday 1/28/08 Reported By: Nona

Monday, January 28, 2008, was a busy day. I started out very confused!  Today we were supposed to wear old-fashioned costumes, but when I was walking to school I saw some kids wearing their uniforms.  I was scared because I was the only one so far that was wearing a costume!  When I turned around I saw another kid wearing a prince outfit. Thank goodness! I was even more confused because nobody was on the playground, so I thought I was late.  I went into the classroom, but I was the only one there except for Ms. Jensen.  Where were the rest of the students?  It turns out that the rest of the students were in the hallway waiting for Ms. Jensen to call them into the classroom. 
After we unpacked our bags, we did D.O.L (Daily Oral Language).  We corrected the sentences with our red correcting pens and fixed the capitalization and punctuation errors.  Then we did our special intentions, prayers for people in need.  Today I prayed for the hungry: “For they may have food that people give to them.”
Once we finished special intentions, Ms. Jensen showed us WikiSpaces, a website where you can type in a vocabulary word and a synonym, part of speech, and your own sentence that describes the word. I wanted to do that instead of reading comprehension because it was on the computer, but unfortunately I had to answer boring questions from a book. I think tomorrow I’ll be at the vocabulary station so I’m happy. Snack time was very slow, and then we did a math time test in division. At the beginning I was slow because I was nervous, but when I got to the middle I went fast because I was more confident, but at the end I got very shaky because I wanted to get one hundred percent. I got a ninety eight percent and only one wrong! During math notes, we reviewed dividing by fractions, and practiced on our white boards. Afterwards we did language arts and worked on combining sentences and complete and simple predicates.  Finally it was lunchtime! 
 When I stepped outside it was very windy so I played soccer to warm me up.  After lunch we did some more language arts, another rotation, and then we worked on Social Studies. In Social Studies we read about pueblos. When that was over, we packed our bags, did our jobs, and ran outside when the bell rang.
It was cool to see everybody’s costumes and it made the day excellent! If only it weren’t so windy!

Friday, 1/25/08 Reported By: Brooke

My day at St. Timothy School started out like this: When I got to school Friday, the rain was poring. I tried not to get my banner wet.  Since it was raining, we had to go inside the school. The bell rang for school to start at 8:00am. When the bell rang, all the students ran to their classroom.  Class begin with putting our banners on the chair in the library.  We made the banners at home.  Before Ms. Jensen started hanging up the banners in the hallway, she said, “Take out your D.O.L and work on it”. We started on D.O.L (Daily Oral Language).  Everyone took out their D.O.L booklet from their desk.  We did the work in our booklets.  Next we did D.O.L corrections.  After that, a classmate had already done a Jensen’s Journalist and put it online at Ms. Jensen’s Website.  After reading it, I learned what happened the day she wrote it.  It was beautiful. Good job classmate!

After we read the Jensen’s Journalist, we had Spelling. We had to correct pages in our spelling book we did for homework.  What we learned in spelling was how to put the apostrophes in the right place of the contraction words. Then it came, the spelling test of the week.  When that was over, we had math. We took out our math homework, and corrected it.  During math, we reviewed our lessons we had for the week.  When that was over we had our math test.

After math we had stations.  For stations we did reading comprehension, vocabulary, picture dictionary, and proverb drawing.  Finally, the people who completed all stations went to the computer to do free rice.   Free rice is a vocabulary online game; they ask you what words mean. If you get the word right, you give a grain of rice to the poor. We did that for a few minutes.

Then the bell rang for snack time.  Since it was free dress, it was also a bake sale. I got a brownie.  The brownie had chocolate and nuts, YUM!   Ms Jensen also had free dress even though she gets it every day. Lucky her! Since it was raining we had snack inside.

After snack we had the same thing, stations.  A few minutes afterwards, it was time to go. We packed up and got ready to go. But, before we left, Ms. Jensen read a few pages of Among the Hidden.  Since it was a half day, we left at 12:00p.m. Wow! Another great day at St. Timothy School!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Thursday, 1/24/08 Reported By: Sharmaine

I was nearly late but I just made it in time running with my backpack pounding on my back.  I got in line and the bell rang, it was very cold luckily Ms. Jensen came out early.  The desks were moved around, and it was warm inside. = )

We began our day by reading the morning info, and by listening to the morning announcements.  We did the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer.  Then we did D.O.L. (Daily Oral Language), which was easy. 

Next we moved on to religion and reviewed the first 3 commandments.  Once that was done we did the class practice, and corrected it. 

Once we finished that we did reading stations.  Our group started the picture dictionaries and we also went on the computer.  During the computer station time we went onto While on free rice I donated 2,840 grains of rice to the hungry. = )

Then the bell rang it was time for recess. During recess my legs felt like jelly because it was so cold. The bell rang one more time and we all got in line.  

Once back inside we started math.  During math we learned a new vocabulary word “composite numbers.”  Ms. Jensen said that it was an easy concept to learn you just had to know your factors. 

Finally it was time for lunch.  During lunch it started to rain so we had to go to the sixth grade class.  Ms. Jensen took us back to 4th grade and we all sat down.

Next Ms. Jensen gave us our reading test and then we packed up and got ready to go home but just before we left Ms. Jensen told us the answer to our riddle.

Another day fully packed with learning.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wednesday, 1/23/08 Reported By: Kimberley

When the bell rings at 8:00 a.m. classes start, we go to our class room lead by Ms. Jensen. After everybody has sat down at their desks, we heard the morning announcements over the intercom and we said our morning prayer. Then the whole class did the D. O. L (Daily Oral Language). Once that was done, we did our special intentions for the day. In religion, we read pages 138 and 139 and did the activity. Then we said our proverbs which are sayings that offer advice.
     We had our snack time at 10:20 a.m. which lasts for twenty minutes. After snack time, we graded out math home work from last night.  Then Ms Jensen taught us about converting units of weight and mass(#87) and Identifying equivalent fractions(#88).Then it was time for our reading stations which are reading comprehension, pen pal letters, vocabulary notes, and reading on the computer.
        We had lunch from 12:20 p.m. until 1:00 p.m. on the playground benches . After lunch, everyone changed  into their physical education uniforms for P. E.  We played a game called capture the flags and the score was 4 to 0 in our favor. The way you play is you try not to get your flags taken by the other team but get the football and run to the other teams goal. Then it started to rain and everyone when inside their classrooms where we played the game heads up, seven up and the game Patriots vs. Giants ,and the score was 8 to 8. Next, Ms. Jensen gave us the rubric for Jensen's Journalist.
         Then Ms. Jensen told us about a contest, the contest is about making a picture that contains holy scenes and if you win your picture is made into a card. Then we did our Tuesday Packets which did not take a lot of time. The last subject we did for the day was Language Arts. After that we wrote down our assignments  in our Knights Binder (Keeping Necessary Information & Goals Handy forToday's Success). Then we packed our books and Knights Binder in our backpacks for Ms. Jensen to dismiss us for the day. Ms. Jensen walked us down to the play ground and dismissed us to go home.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tuesday, 1/22/08 Reported By: Ms. Jensen

After resting over the three-day weekend, the class came back to school.  Since it was raining off and on outside the students came inside immediately instead of waiting outside until the bell rang.  Some of the early arrivals went right to work finishing up their Martin Luther King, Jr. Dream projects while others went online to play at to earn food for the hungry.  Either way, everyone did a great job working quietly.  When the bell rang, I put up the morning announcement on the LCD projector and the students quietly went to work on their D.O.L. (Daily Oral Language) and writing their petitions for the week.  A few minutes later the 8th graders came on over the loud speaker to do the pledge and announcements for the day.  It was really hard to hear them because the speaker had a lot of static.  Thankfully we know the pledge by heart and said a prayer silently to ourselves.  When announcements were finished we corrected our D.O.L. together and began Religion.  The students did a magnificent job of writing special intentions for their loved ones as well as the needy around the world. 

Once our morning work was finished we dove straight into spelling. We have twenty contractions this week!  The kids did a great job determining where to put the apostrophes in each word.  We were shocked to hear that during a recent study, kids were asked to spell four specific contractions 1,191 times.  The results show that they actually misspelled them 92% of the time due to misplaced apostrophes!!!  We discussed how to know where the apostrophes go when we “squish” two words into one.  When spelling was completed, we moved onto our story for the week, “William Shakespeare and the Globe”.  The students seemed to like the snappy music that went with the biography and learned a great deal about William Shakespeare's life.  We also discussed proverbs, which offer us advice through their sayings.  We talked about some common proverbs the students have heard.  Our favorite is “Don’t count your chickens until they're hatched.” 

Finally, we were ready for a break.  The students went outside, which had cleared up for them and they were able to work off some built up energy.  At 10:40am, I met them and brought them back into meet some new classmates.  I proudly introduced Cisco, the koala bear, and Sidney, the panda bear.  Cisco and Sidney are Webkinz.  The students can actually log on to the Webkinz website (with parent’s permission of course) and take educational quizzes to earn money and buy their virtual pet things.  Cisco and Sidney sit back in the library and keep our other two class pets, Cottonball and Brownie (our mice) company.  We are very excited about the new addition of our two new virtual pets.   When I was finished introducing the new pets to the class, we discussed the rubric for our Coat of Arms that everyone is working on.  Two of our classmates already completed theirs.  They are both excellent examples for the rest of the class to get ideas off of. 

When we finished discussing our new pets and the Coat of Arms project, we began working on our math lesson.  Today was multiplying fractions.  I heard a lot of “Wow, this is easy” and “No problem” coming from the students.  After doing examples together as a class, we watched an online tutorial of another teacher teaching the same lesson.  This reinforced what I just taught them and allowed everyone to hear another teacher’s style of teaching.  But we weren’t finished yet….next we watched Tim and Moby from Brainpop help us uncover the Mysteries of Life – in this case multiplying and also dividing fractions.  I was so impressed with how many of the students understood multiplicative inverse even though they just learned it.  Way to go class!!!!

Around noon we began working on our math homework for the night while some of the other students finished up their math test from last week.  Soon the bell rang and the kids happily headed out for lunch.  About 40 minutes later, I went outside to pick up the students.  Perfect timing because it started to rain at that moment.  We all went upstairs to Room 4 where the students waited for Mr. Howell to start music.  I wasn’t in the room the whole time during music, but when I was I heard the kids working on learning the recorder.  What fun!

Once music was done, we gathered together as a class again and discussed our new venture – JENSEN’S JOURNALISTS!!!  I spoke about what would be required from each of them.  They learned how what they wrote would be published for the entire world to see, so the students really know how important this assignment is.  We looked at a couple examples and than everyone picked a date that they would be Jensen’s Journalists.  I’m excited to see all of their hard work.  Before we knew it, time was up and they wrote down their homework and packed up.  We made sure everyone wiped down their desk with anti-bacterial wipes.  The school has a lot of students out sick and I want to make sure none of them fall ill (including myself).  Finally, the bell rang and everyone headed home.