Thursday, March 20, 2008

Monday, 3/17/08 Reported by: Selena

Today is St. Patrick’s Day and today is FREE DRESS DAY!  No uniforms . . . yeah!  Well, when we all arrived in class, we were very surprised to find that our classroom was a mess!  Our desks were out of order, there were little leprechaun footprints on top of the desks and we had to clean it all up!  Those little leprechauns; they are messy little people.  UGH!!!  After cleaning up, we turned in all of our work and started Religion.  Following Religion, we worked on our handwriting paper and searched for four-leaf clovers in the classroom.  That was so much fun!  Once the class found all of the four-leaf clovers, we had to get back to work.

Ms. Jensen gave us a Spelling test and once that was done, we corrected it in class and picked a new Word of the Week.  It was almost time for recess, but before we left, we read a story entitled, The Fun They Had about some two kids who lived in the future and found a book about kids in the past going to school.  They were amazed at how different schools of the past were in comparisons to their school in the future.  For example, one of the major differences was books.  Schools in the past use text books for work and they used a projection-type screen for their work; they did not have text books.  The story was kinds of interesting and fun to read. 

Finally, the bell rang and it was time for recess and I played volleyball with my friends.  When we returned to class, Ms. Jensen planned an activity for us called, Shamrock Shakedown.  This was a fun math game and everybody had to play. 

Before I knew it, it the bell rang for lunch!  Everybody rushed out to eat lunch to play basketball and volleyball.  We had so much fun.   the day was coming to an end.  Ms. Jensen gave us a worksheet on Ireland that we had to complete in class.  When that was completed, we worked on a crossword puzzle and finally we started on our science project which was making putty.  At 3:00 p.m., the bell rang and it was time to clean up and go home. 

Today was really fun and interesting day and we only have three more days of school.  Whoo-hoo!!!

Thursday, 3/13/08 Reported By: Nona

I left the house pretty late today, but I still made it to school just in time!  The first thing we did in class was to read Ms. Jensen's morning announcements.  After we where done reading the morning announcements we did our D.O.L. (Daily Oral Language).  After that we did 3 pages and 1 activity of religion. We also finished writing our criterion papers. Ms. Jensen left at 10:30 and we had a substitute teacher come in, it was Ms. Rodriguez again. Even though we really like Ms. Rodriguez we were really sad that Ms. Jensen had to leave.

           After snack we did a math time test and it was really easy.  Next we did a grid chart and it was really fun.  When that was over, we had to do math notes and that was really boring.  It was still math time but we had a math pop quiz DOUBLE BORING! The clock changed to 12:20 and it was lunchtime, yeah!  After lunch we had to do a science test. I studied very hard for it, I hope I did really good.

At 2:00 we had social studies and we had to read and do work in our workbook.  After that our substitute teacher Ms. Rodriguez checked some of our workbooks. Then we watched movie called the Muppets in Space but we didn't finish the movie because it was almost the end of day.  So we did our class jobs and went home.


Wednesday, 3/12/08 Reported by: Kimberley

First everyone came inside to our room to start the day and set down at our desks and look at the morning announcements on the overhead projector that Ms.Jensen left us. Then we said the pledge of allegiance and the Morning Prayer. After all of that we did our D.O.L (Daily Oral Language) for the day; if we finished it early, we got to color the Missions page. We did the vocabulary test next. Once that was done, we did our reading stations which are reading questions, computer, vocabulary words, and word matching. Then it was time for snack!
During snack time we played volleyball and our team won! When snack was over, we came back in and Ms. Jensen handed out the math timed tests to everyone and  the amount of time we got was two and half minutes. Then we corrected the math and we learned a new math lesson. When that was over, we did more reading stations right before lunch. Once that was done, it was finally time for lunch!
When lunch was over, we started playing volleyball and my team lost. After lunch, we changed into our P.E. clothes. For P.E. we had to take a push up test, and then we got to play paramedic. In paramedic my team won the game 2 to 1. After that Ms. Jensen came to pick us from P.E., she told us about the Country Project that is due May 7. After that Ms. Jensen said “pack up everybody” and we packed up and headed out the door for home.

Tuesday, 3/11/08 Reported By: Kelly

In the morning Ms.Jensen brought us to the classroom.  Everyone read the morning announcements,  that tells us what to do in the morning.  After that our class did Daily Oral Language.  The following thing we did was religion.  We corrected our religion test.  Once that was done we did our vocab word of the week.  That is when a student goes to the front of the classroom and talks about their vocabulary word.  When we finished that we talked about our new reading station, word study.  Once that was done we read Among The Hidden.  At 10:20 we had snack.  After snack we corrected our math homework and then we wrote down math notes.  In our math notes we learned about equivalent fractions.  I didn’t really get it, but now I do.

          Afterwards we did reading stations.  Our group did reading comprehension questions.  Then, lunch time.  After lunch was music, in music we did our recorder tests.  At 2:00, students passed out papers for our Tuesday packets.  Once we were done with that, we corrected our science quizes.  When we were done with that, me and my classmates wrote down our homework.  Then, we packed for home and our teacher Ms.Jensen dismissed us for home.  ANOTHER GREAT DAY AT ST.TIMOTHY SCHOOL!   

Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday, 3/10/08 Reported By: Nona

Ms. Jensen was absent today, so we had a substitute teacher named Ms. Rodriguez. I liked her, she was really nice.  Once we went into our classroom we turned in the homework that we did over the weekend.  Then we started our work, we did our D.O.L (Daily Oral Language) and when we were done we corrected it with the class. Next we listened to the morning announcements and we did a prayer that was Hail Mary. We also did our special intentions for people who need help.  Once that was done we read our story called Frindle, it was a pretty weird story about a boy making up his own words.

          Just before recess we did language arts and that was pretty boring.  We only did a little bit because recess came YEAH!  I played a quick game of handball, which is my favorite. After recess we finished up the language arts and corrected it.  When that was over we did a time test, that is a test on math things like multiplication, division, subtraction, addition, and sometimes fractions.  Finally we corrected the time test and got over that.

          We did a worksheet that was on a piece of paper, first you read the passage then you read the question and you put the answer in the box. I can’t remember what it was called but, it was pretty fun. Next we did our math practice and it was really easy.  When that was finished we could do our math homework, a coloring worksheet or our math worksheet.

         Finally it was lunch!  We were so excited about having a break after all of our hard work.  After lunch we did Science and read a couple of pages, we also did two worksheets. At 2:00 we had Social Studies and that is really boring! We read pages in our Social Studies book about a woman who liked to help people. We did a worksheet in our workbook about her too.  At the end of the day we had to pack up and go home. See you tomorrow!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Thursday, 3/6/08 Reported by: Josh

Today I got to school at 7:35 a.m.  I was so happy that I was the first person in line in our class.  Since we still had time until the bell rang, I played basketball with the older kids.  The bell finally rang at 8:00 a.m.  When we got inside Ms. Jensen showed us a Power Point slide with the things we had to do.  Three of the things that we had to do were to read our Time for Kids, do our Time for Kids worksheet and to do our Religion worksheet.  Afterwards, we read the story Dear Mr. Henshaw and it was very long.  The story was about boy who entered a writing competition.  The winners of the competition got to have lunch with a famous author.

            At 10:20 a.m. we had recess.  During recess we played a basketball game called 3-2-1.  The other students in my class played handball.  The weather outside was very very hot.  I worked up a sweat very fast since it was so hot.  Then the bell rang and we went inside.

Next was Math and we took a timed test.  Today our timed test was on division with remainders.  The timed test was kind of hard for me.  We learned Lesson 114 and 115.  Lesson 114 was about rounding money to the nearest dollar.  Lesson 115 was about rounding decimals to the nearest whole number. 

Following Math was our Reading test on Dear Mr. Henshaw.  I thought the test was pretty easy.  When the test was over we took a Vocabulary test.  I also thought it was easy.  Afterwards we did our Vocabulary stations, but I did not get to finish. 

Finally it was lunch.  We were so happy to go outside and have a break.  I had fried chicken and rice for lunch.  It was the best chicken I have ever tasted.  Coach Beloz and Ms. Huddleston watched us on the yard.  We all played 3-2-1 and handball.  That lasted for a good 45 minutes then we went inside.

We read one chapter in our Science book about mass and density.  We then watched movies on the internet called Tim and Mobey.  The movies explained density.  Once we finished we took quizzes on the movies. 

Afterwards Ms. Jensen said, “Let’s pack up and get ready to go home.”  So I packed up my bag and cleaned up my desk.  Finally the bell rang and we all ran outside to go home.

Another fun day at St. Timothy School.

Wednesday, 3/5/08 Reported by: Erwan

This morning, me and my classmates entered the classroom at 8 :00 like every morning. When we got in, we unpacked and went in the parish hall for the science

Fair. There, we puted up our class project, and went to look at other project. We even got free crystal candies!!!!

Following that we did reading  stations and went to snack.

After snack, it was math time; we did time test and corrected our math lesson. Finally it was lunch time. After lunch we had P.E (physical education).

Then we had science, we wrote our homework and finally DISMISSALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am excited because it is almost ST.PATRICK’DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 3/4/08 Reported By: Reese

Today we came in at eight o'clock as usual.  Then we read Ms. Jensen's requirements that need to be turned in.  We did the activity in our Religion Book from page 166 - 167.  I got 8 out of 10 on the quiz.  Then we got our Vocabulary Word of the Week, to study for next Wednesday.  After that we started Reading Stations.  My group did the spelling activity first.  Then we went to snack.  I ate my delicious chips snack then played basketball with Josh and Grant.  We came in after that and did our Reduced Facts in three minutes.  Ms. Jensen showed us how to make Frequency Tables on Microsoft Word.  Finally, we went to lunch.  I ate ravioli and played games.  We returned to the class and began our Music Class.  We leaned how to put Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do into notes.  When we finished Music, we talked about this new website called Criteria.  So, Ms. Jensen told us a couple of things that we should do tonight on  When it was time to leave, we packed up and left school for the day.