Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, 1/23/09 Reported By: Kimberley
Once that was finished, we took the apple notebooks from the computer cart and then Ms. Jensen taught us how to make history timelines on a computer. The subject we used for the timeline was the story from our reading book. The story was called “Pyramids” from Harcourt Trophies in “Theme Three”. Once most of us finished this project, we started doing our reading test from the story “Pyramids” and vocabulary test from the same story. By the time we finished, the bell rang for recess but it was still raining, so we had to stay inside for snack time. At snack time my friend and I went on the computer to play on
Once snack time was over, we did a math sheet on mixed and improper fractions being equivalent. Once everybody was finished, we did our CYOA (Choose Your Own Adventure) Story if we did not finish it, to give feedback on other people’s CYOA mistakes, then we went to the website to donate rice to the poor, and finished our art project. By the time we finished, it was time to write down our homework and get ready to leave for the day. Woo hoo it was a half-day! I love half days!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Thursday, 1/22/09 Reported By: Selena
Today was a raining day so we went straight in the classroom. After arriving in class, we started our Logic Links. Following Logic Links, we went to our computer stations to do our Choose Your Own Adventure and we worked on our Martin Luther King slide show. I really like working on the computers because they are fun to work on and help us work faster on our projects. Martin Luther King, Jr. is one of my favorite heroes and this year I really understood what his fight really meant to me and my country.
Once that was finished working on the computers, the bell rang for Snack, however, it was raining and we were not able to go outside. After Snack, we corrected our math homework with Ms. Jensen and began our Math lesson on Subtracting Mixed Numbers with Re-grouping and she gave us enough time to do our assigned Math homework.
When that was over, we finished up our Colonial Book for Social Studies. Finally, the bell rang for lunch and we all dashed out the door when Ms. Jensen dismissed us. I was so glad that it was not raining because after my friends and I finished eating, I went to play basketball. The bell rang and it was time to go back to class.
Afterwards, Ms. Jensen walked us over to the church to practice for First Sunday Mass which we are hosting and we all have different assignments. I am a Greeter and I a Reader.
At 2:00, it was time for P.E., but we only got play for 30 minutes because it started to rain again. The Coach suggested that we play Four Corners. It had been a long time since we all had played, so we had a ball.
The final bell rang for the day and it was time to go home.
Wednesday, 1/21/09 Reported By: Asha
After snack it was time for math. We learned about mixed and improper fractions. Then we corrected our math homework and did a math warm-up. When math was over it was time for lunch. At lunch time we played tag with the sixth graders.
Next we read a story about the pyramids in Egypt. The Egyptians were very smart people and good at building structures. Then it was time for social studies. In this subject we learned about war amongst the Puritans and the southern colonies. Then it was time for technology class. In this class we learned about Martin Luther King, Jr. We had to do a slide show about him. We ran out of time so everyone saved their work. Then our teacher gave us 30 minutes to finish any work we needed to do.
Then it was time to go home. We wrote our homework down and packed up our bags and went home. Yes, another fine day in the fifth gradeThursday, 1/15/09 Reported By: Brooke
RRiiiiiiinng goes the school bell. All the kids on the playground stop playing and get into their lines. The teachers come out with coffee in their hands or keys to the classroom. Ms. Jensen leads the class to our classroom. As soon as we get inside we see a math puzzle on our desk. We unpack and get the chips and privacy folder and do the puzzle while Kelly checks our agendas. Soon the morning announcements start, after that we finish up the puzzle.
After the class finished the puzzle, the good touch bad touch had been moved up to the morning. We finished the class so we don’t have to good touch bad touch tomorrow. Later on we had science and we finished up our experiment we started yesterday. It was fun until we had to put it away. RRiiinnng! Snack time!
After snack, the class went back to the classroom and we finished up a packet called colonial times to help us with our social studies. We cut, glued, and colored until lunch time. When lunch time was over our P.E couch asked our teacher if we could have P.E for 2 hours and Ms Jensen said yes. The class wrote down their homework and packed up. When we finished packing up we were lined up and ready to go. Ms.jensen said “see you tomorrow.” For P.E we played soccer. What a great day at STS school.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wednesday, 1/14/09 Reported By: Sharmaine
Promptly at 8:00 this morning the bell rang and Ms. Jensen took us inside. Once in the classroom, Ms. Jensen announced that today would be different. Instead of having math after snack it would be earlier. From there we started to unpack. Next, we started religion. In religion we did a page in our workbook with our group. The assignment was to take parts in the play and read it aloud. On the following page we wrote about two things good that we did and one thing to do. When I finished I was instructed to read and start to write to my pen pal in Arizona. Like I said earlier, math was going to be early. So at 8:30am we started to correct our math homework and pre-test. We were interrupted by our school secretary, Ms. Lorraine, for our yearly hearing check-up. I returned at 9am from the test and soon after I started our math test. We were allowed about 45 minutes to take the test, but I used about half an hour to do the test and check over it. After I finished there was an after-test worksheet I had to complete. The instructions were to reduce the fraction to the lowest terms. Once we finished it was finally time for snack.
After snack was over “Good Touch, Bad Touch” was continued. It took so much time that lunch was right after. My lunch consisted of a turkey and lettuce sandwich with mayonnaise on white bread. I also had a juicy orange and fruit roll. String cheese and a Chewy bar were also in my lunch. To finish I had a refreshing Capri Sun fruit punch flavor. Rather than playing on the yard Kimberly and I read a book. Soon after the bell rings and it was time to go inside back to the classroom.
Before going in we are all instructed to wash our hands because we have technology next. During technology the assignment was to copy and paste five paragraphs on Martin Luther King, Jr. from five different websites. I am the last to finish this assignment. By then it was 2 o’clock only an hour left of school! During the last hour our group participated in a science experiment. The goal was to separate the molecules in water by using water, baking soda, an index card, two pencils sharpened on both ends, wires and a 9 volt battery. To conduct the experiment our group had to pour the baking soda into the water attach both wires on the terminals and connect one wire to each pencil. Then we had to poke pencil size holes into the index card and balance it on the cup of water. The electricity flowing made bubbles appear from the graphite of the pencils. Our group had the best bubbles. The five minute bell rang, it was time to pack up and go home. It was another fun day at St. Timothy’s school.
Tuesday, 1/13/09 Reported By: Nina
In the morning at 7:55 a.m. we went in for school. The first thing we did was to listen to the morning announcements, which included the “Pledge of Allegiance”. After the morning announcements we did our daily Logic link puzzle. The Logic Link puzzle is a puzzle in which you get clues to figure out were the chips go.
After our Logic Link we got a laptop to write the “Choose your own adventure” essay. I love doing this because we each get our own laptop. Once we were finished, Ms. Jensen accidentally turned off the computers before the computer could finish saving our work. We then went for snack. I missed snack because I needed to serve at a funeral.
After snack break we did “Good Touch Bad Touch”. We then corrected our homework. After correcting our homework we did Math Notes. The lesson was about adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. Then it was time for lunch. After lunch we did our Tuesday packets. There was a lot of information in this packet. Then, we did our quizzes. The two quizzes included social studies and science. After that, we packed up all our books and wrote our assignments in our agenda. At three o’clock we went outside to be picked up by our parents. Another exciting day at St. Timothy’s school.
Monday, 1/12/09 Reported By: Reese
Our next assignment was Language. We learned how to make singular possesive nouns. For homework we did page 27 in our Language workbook. We got a heads start on it and if we didn't finish it, it would be homework. Finally, we had our snack breack and ate our snacks and played. When we returned, we reviewed Religion as we were not able to work on it this morning. We quickly moved to Math. Also, before we talked about our Math lesson, we did a warm up which had to be completed in one minute. After that we did problem solving. Then we began our real Math lesson which was about probability and chance.
We did seven examples before we proceeded with the lesson practice. The lesson practice was twelve questions. Our substituted teacher let us start on our homework early, after we finished our lesson practice.
Finally, we went to lunch, ate our lunches, and played for 40 minutes. As soon as we returned from lunch we began reading Social Studies pages 188-193. The pages we read were mostly about the middle colonies. When we finished reading we did an indipendent page in our workbook; page 33. Our subject was Science. We read pages B16 to B21. We read about molecules, compounds, atoms and the periodic table. When we finished reading, we worked on four questions about what we had read. Next, our teacher let us play games and complete most of our homework. We did this for the last thirty minutes of class. Then we wrote down our assignments and left school for the day.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Wednesday, 1/7/09 Reported By: Sophia
As I got into the schoolyard it was freezing for me because I wasn’t wearing my jacket. It was only a few minutes before Ms. Jensen came out to take us in to the classroom. When we got in everybody had a logic puzzle on their desk. If you finished early you could read if you wanted to. I read New Moon. Once everyone had finished that we moved on to the next subject. We continued to work on our choose your own adventure stories on the laptops. Mine is about mummies and pyramids! We worked on our stories until it was snack. Snack was fun like always.
When we got inside we moved desks, so now I need to get used to my new group. After everyone was in their groups it was math time. First we corrected our homework from last night. After that we did fast facts, mental math, and problem solving. I thought the problem solving was a little hard this time. After we corrected all of that everyone took out a paper for math notes. Today’s lesson was about adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. It was so easy because we did that last year. Afterwards we got time to get started on our math homework.
Soon it was lunch, which was good because I was staving! During lunch I read New Moon. When we came in from lunch Mr. Huy was in our classroom for computer class. We had to write about what we did over winter vacation. When that was over we did social studies. First we took our quiz and then we read some pages in our book and started on our homework. When social studies was over Ms. Jensen gave us two pieces of paper and told us to measure five and one half inches on both of the papers and then fold it. Then we stapled the right side of the papers and hole punched the left side. It turned out to be a folder for social studies. Then we stuck a picture we colored before on the front of the folder. When everyone was done we wrote down our homework and packed up. Another fun (and tiring) day at school!!!
Tuesday, 1/6/09 Reported By: Josh
TWEET TWEET! Right when we got into class we heard our fake bird tweet. At 8:05 a.m. the student council did the announcements. Next we did a thing called logic links. A logic link puzzle is just like a logic puzzle. I kind of thought it was really challenging. Later we did our Choose Your Own Adventure Stories. Everyone was so excited because we got to use our schools laptops. About 20 minutes later we did music. During music we sang a song called Dona Nobis Pachem.
At 10:20 a.m. we heard a bell ring so we knew it was our snack time. During snack I played basketball because basketball is my favorite sport. I thought it was freezing outside, it felt like I was trapped in an icicle.
When we got back in from snack our teacher Ms. Jensen taught us how to play homeworkopoly. Homeworkopoly is like monopoly except if you don’t do your homework you don’t get to play.
After we did that we did our math warm up. Next we put our homework from the night before in our math tray. Our math lesson was simplifying fractions. Since that lesson was review we took out our white boards and did some review. Finally we got to go to the class bank and deposit our paychecks (we have pretend money).
Following we had lunch. I had one of my most favorite lunches a ham sandwich!!! It got a lot warmer than it was during snack. I played basketball again with my friends Reese, Anthony, and Grant. Some of the girls in my class were reading the book Twilight. Even Ms. Jensen reads Twilight. The girls are addicted to that book book.
Once we got in from lunch we had a religion test on unit 2. I thought it was easy. Finally when that was over we did our Tuesday packet. Our Tuesday packet has all our work from the past week in it. Later Ms. Jensen couldn’t decide which quiz to give us next our social studies quiz or our science quiz so she gave us both at the same time.
If we finished our test early we got to get started on our homework. At 2:50 p.m. Ms. Jensen said, “Get packed up so we can go home.” I just love St. Timothy School J.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, 1/5/2009 Reported By: Sydni
Today was the first day of school of the New Year; it was great to see my teacher and classmates. Our first lesson was religion, we did unit two review pages 110-111. The chapter was about living the cardinal virtues; a virtue is the habit of doing well that helps you grow in love for God. Next, we got our privacy folders and we did our spelling pretest. I didn’t do to well; I got to take the spelling test on Friday. Once that was done we were assigned The Jensen’s journalists, of course it was I. We also corrected our Choose Your Own Adventure stories. My story is about a girl who goes to her friend’s party and gets trapped in the castle.
Surprisingly, we did Social Studies early; we usually do Social Studies after lunch. We are on Chapter 5, New England Colonies. We learn about the growing season in New England, Town meetings in Massachusetts, Dissenter and Industry. After reading the chapter we worked in our social studies workbook. We were also assigned to color a cover page for social studies. Finally, we had snack, during snack my friends and i talked about our Christmas vacation.
When snack was over we looked over our math test, Ms. Jensen wasn’t a happy camper. I was disappointed about my grade too. We were told to open our math book to page 319, Investigation 5. Investigation 5 was about focusing on graphing, I understood the assignment. Afterwards, we went to lunch, my friends and I continue to talk about Christmas.
When that was over, we continued math, we were handed a logic puzzle. In Science, we did a little experiment on elements. We observed different objects using a magnify glass like a paper clip, penny, graphite in a pencil, and aluminum foil. We also finished reading in our science book B8-B15 and we did lesson I review numbers 1-4. The science experiment was very interesting and enjoyable. If we finished our assignment early we were allowed to work on homework. The day was ending, at 2:45 we wrote our homework in our agenda and got packed up; it is time to go home.