Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wednesday, 1/23/08 Reported By: Kimberley

When the bell rings at 8:00 a.m. classes start, we go to our class room lead by Ms. Jensen. After everybody has sat down at their desks, we heard the morning announcements over the intercom and we said our morning prayer. Then the whole class did the D. O. L (Daily Oral Language). Once that was done, we did our special intentions for the day. In religion, we read pages 138 and 139 and did the activity. Then we said our proverbs which are sayings that offer advice.
     We had our snack time at 10:20 a.m. which lasts for twenty minutes. After snack time, we graded out math home work from last night.  Then Ms Jensen taught us about converting units of weight and mass(#87) and Identifying equivalent fractions(#88).Then it was time for our reading stations which are reading comprehension, pen pal letters, vocabulary notes, and reading on the computer.
        We had lunch from 12:20 p.m. until 1:00 p.m. on the playground benches . After lunch, everyone changed  into their physical education uniforms for P. E.  We played a game called capture the flags and the score was 4 to 0 in our favor. The way you play is you try not to get your flags taken by the other team but get the football and run to the other teams goal. Then it started to rain and everyone when inside their classrooms where we played the game heads up, seven up and the game Patriots vs. Giants ,and the score was 8 to 8. Next, Ms. Jensen gave us the rubric for Jensen's Journalist.
         Then Ms. Jensen told us about a contest, the contest is about making a picture that contains holy scenes and if you win your picture is made into a card. Then we did our Tuesday Packets which did not take a lot of time. The last subject we did for the day was Language Arts. After that we wrote down our assignments  in our Knights Binder (Keeping Necessary Information & Goals Handy forToday's Success). Then we packed our books and Knights Binder in our backpacks for Ms. Jensen to dismiss us for the day. Ms. Jensen walked us down to the play ground and dismissed us to go home.

1 comment:

Mrs. Lyon said...

Great work Kim! You did a very thorough job of explaining what we did in the classroom. I look forward to reading your next article. :-)