Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wednesday, 3/5/08 Reported by: Erwan

This morning, me and my classmates entered the classroom at 8 :00 like every morning. When we got in, we unpacked and went in the parish hall for the science

Fair. There, we puted up our class project, and went to look at other project. We even got free crystal candies!!!!

Following that we did reading  stations and went to snack.

After snack, it was math time; we did time test and corrected our math lesson. Finally it was lunch time. After lunch we had P.E (physical education).

Then we had science, we wrote our homework and finally DISMISSALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am excited because it is almost ST.PATRICK’DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Job! I do think next Jensen's Journalist you do should be a little longer. Although reading your journalist for that day I know exacly what we did.
