Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thursday, 2/12/09 Reported By: Brooke

RRRiiiiiinngg! Goes the school bell. All the kids on the playground stop playing and go into their lines. The teachers come out holding something in their hands. My teacher Ms. Jensen comes out with a special guest. The guest is a person from the Scholastic company. Her name is Ms. Iria.  As soon as the class got inside we had a school rehearsal for the valentine concert tomorrow.  That took hours.   Later we started cutting red, pink, and purple paper into pieces for art. RRRiinnnnngg! Snack time!


When snack was over, the class read the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe. Afterwards we did stations and the stations were comprehension, art, computers, and word study. Following that we got to open 2 boxes from scholastics that were full of books. RRRiiiiinnggg! Lunch time!


Later the guest left and we worked on our stations. Ms. Jensen said “Take your agenda and write down your homework. Raise you’re hand so I can sign it.” That’s exactly what we did. We packed up and went to P.E; we played a nice game of paramedic.  A great day at St. timothy school. 

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