Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Friday, 5/23/08 Reported By: Grant
After we read the book we took a Spelling Test. I was the only one who didn’t get to take it because I was exempt. When the test was over we did our Reading Stations. I went through the Game Station, the Versatile Station, and the Reading Comprehension Station. Finally we did pages 228-229 in our Language Arts book. Then we went to Recess.
After Recess, we corrected our Math Pretest. I only got one wrong. I didn’t need to take the test though. While my classmates were doing their tests, I was doing a Math Lesson. Then I did Language Arts. After I did a packet about “Snow Treasure”. Then I kept reading a book called, “Revenge of the Shadow King” until Lunch. Now Lunch started.
After Lunch we had a class vote for Student Council. After we had a lesson on Mean, Median, Mode, and Range. We did a song and a worksheet for that. After that we cleaned up. Then we had Strawberry Shortcakes from Sofia. We watched the Bee Movie while she was doing that. Then we got ready to go home for a three day weekend!
Wednesday, 5/21/08 Reported By: Mychae'l
After Recess we did Math. In math we did math station. During math station we played the allowance game, a game on the computer, calculators riddles, and a math sheet. Once math station was over it was lunchtime. After lunch it was P.E.
Once that was done we went over to the parish hall and heard speeches from students who are going to be students council. Once the speech was over we came in and did science. In science we read pg: C8-C11. Finally we wrote our assignments and when home.
What a wonderful day at Saint Timothy School!
Tuesday, 5/20/08 Reported by: Reese
After we came in we did a worksheet called “Mixed Review” which was for our math stations. So now we started math stations. Finally we went to lunch and ate our lunches and played games. Then when we came inside we started music, we learned a new song called “What a Feeling”. Now when music was over we put our cover letters and work in
our Tuesday folder. We got to start a little bit of our homework and then we wrote down our homework.
Finally we left the school. Tomorrow will be a whole different day. So it was a great day after all. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye for now everyone.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, 5/13/08 Reported By: Nona
I heard the bell ring when I was across the street. I made it in time to line up by running really fast! Once we were in class, the students read the class announcements. We turned in the homework papers, and then we did religion. The activity in religion was to draw a picture of the people we love in our family. While we were doing the religion activity, the school announcements came on. The first part of the announcement was the pledge of allegiance, and a prayer. Don’t forget this Friday is a half-day and the last bake sale!
After the announcements and religion, Ms. Jensen called up groups to see if we wanted to sell toys and books to get class cash money. I sold a light up ball, 2 bracelets, and 14 stickers and made $250.00! I’m going to save my money for our class auction. Next, the class and I did a little bit of math. We worked on placing shapes, like circles and squares, on the coordinate grid, using coordinates points.
Following math, was reading station time. Of the four stations, I don’t like two stations and I do like two stations. I don’t like the reading comprehension because you have to answer questions about the book. Today’s book was Snow Treasure. The class read seven chapters it’s a really good story so far. Next it was snack time finally! Afterwards, when my classmates and I came in the class we corrected our math homework from today and station work from yesterday. Next we did our math notes. We were still doing math but did our math homework. After, our math homework it was lunchtime. During lunch we played tag and it was really fun. After lunch we had music and I almost passed the recorder test. At 2:00 it was time to do a social studies test and I think I did really good! Next we finished our art project with pastels and I am almost done. After the five-minute bell rang we packed up. I went to the video store in our class and I bought a movie called Fat Albert and a bag of popcorn. I went outside a little late but it was ok because my tutor was a little late too. IT WAS ANOTHER GREAT DAY AT SCHOOL!!!!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thursday, 5/8/08 Reported By: Kimberley
In the beginning of the day Ms. Jensen came to pick us up from the playground. Then went upstairs to our room and we settled in for the morning. Then we listened to the Morning Prayer which came over the intercom. After the prayer, they said the morning announcements. Today we did not do our D.O.L. (Daily Oral Language). We had to put our homework in the trays and we had to read our books which Ms. Jensen provided to us.
When everybody finished reading chapters seven and eight, Ms. Jensen made us do a poem for Mother’s Day. I wrote a poem to my grandmother, I think she will love it. Before you knew it was snack time and we headed out the door to snack! When we got back snack time, we usually do our math but we cleaned up the room. When we finished the cleaning the room, we did math stations.
By the time we finished math, it was time for lunch. After we ate our lunch, we played tag and I did not get tagged. After lunch ,we returned to our room and opened up our businesses for sales. The name of our business is the “School Depot” which sales school supplies. After we closed our business for the day, we got dressed for P.E. which started at 2:00 p.m. At P.E, we played capture the flag with the older grades and by the time you knew it was time for school to end!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Wednesday, 5/7/08 Reported By: Josh
When I got to school at 7:40 A.M., I went to the Parish Hall to set up for Heritage Day. Heritage Day is when the whole school has to do a report on a country. The country I did was China. It took me about ten minutes to set up my poster board and artifacts.
At 8:00 A.M. we went to our classroom. We went to our classroom because we had to read a book called Snow Treasure. Ms. Jensen told us to read chapters 3-4. None of us got to finish reading. After ten minutes, we headed back to the Parish Hall so that we could answer questions about our countries and look at other people’s reports.
Next, Ms. Jensen handed out a booklet called “Passport to the World”. In the booklet, we had to choose ten countries and find two facts about each country. Since we were at the Parish Hall for most of the day, Ms. Jensen had us find five facts instead of two. I thought the assignment was easy. After we did our passports, we went outside for recess.
Recess wasn’t as long as it usually is because we had to stay inside until Ms. Jensen reviewed our reports with us. At 10:30 A.M. we all sat down to watch the performances. I recited a poem in Chinese and English for my performance. My favorite performance was when one of my friends in the third grade wore a costume of a gondola and pretended he was rowing it down a river. This was my favorite performance because I thought it was funny. At the end of all performances, the third, fourth and fifth grade sang “It’s a Small World.”
Afterwards, we had lunch. I thought lunch was really good because there was a lot of ethnic food. There was food from France, Germany, Peru, China, Korea and Belgium. The empanadas were the best. I did not go outside for lunch.
After lunch, the Kindergarten, first and second grades visited the Parish Hall to see our projects. Right after the lower grades visited, the sixth, seventh and eighth grades came to visit. I was happy because they complemented my project.
At 1:10 P.M. Heritage Day ended and we had to pack up our boards and artifacts. After we brought our things back to class, we watched a movie called “Muppets From Space” and “The Bee Movie”. We got to finish “Muppets From Space” but we didn’t get to finish “The Bee Movie”. The bell rang at 3:00 P.M. and we hurried to pack up our bags. Another great learning experience at St. Timothy School!!!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Monday, 5/5/08 Reported By: Brooke
The day started off with the bell ringing at 8:00am. When we got to our class, the 4th grade started their day with religion. We had to read a page and on the next page, we had to draw the 4 seasons of the church. Then we had to do a spelling pretest. After spelling, Ms. Jensen talked to us about our last reading bingo. The genre for this reading bingo is autobiography or biography. I chose a biography. The book I am doing is Pocahontas. It took a very long time for her to explain the scrapbook we were doing. After reading, it was time for snack.
After snack, we had our math stations. Ms. Jensen introduced a new game to play in the computer math station. You could find it on her website, on the bottom where it says “homework”, next to lemonade stand. With this game, you had to chose a job from one of the categories. I chose pet grooming. It was a very fun game. We did math stations until lunch.
After lunch, we did Science. We had to read a lesson and do a worksheet, and if we got one wrong we had to pay a $50 fine. I only got one wrong. After science was social studies. We had to read lesson 2 and do our workbook. Afterwards, we started a new thing!
Ms. Jensen said if you wanted to start a business or become an entrepreneur, you can do it with a partner. She talked about how to do it. Me and my friend did a gift shop. Next, we went to the 5th grade class to sing our heritage song for Heritage day. Finally, Ms. Jensen said “ Time to go”. We all packed up and left. A great day had finally ended.Friday, 5/2/08 Reported By: Selena
Today is we get out of school early! YEAH!!! Even though we have a short day today, we have a lot of work to do.
When we arrived in class everyone turned in their homework. Following that, we started the morning with Religion. Our lesson was about the different seasons during the year – summer, spring winter fall. Discussing the seasons was fun and we also colored pictures of each of the seasons. My favorite season of the year is summer because there is no school and it is vacation time. My family and I usually go on a cruise, or travel out of state during summer months.
Once that was done, Ms. Jensen gave us a Spelling Test. I felt really positive about the Spelling Test and I was happy about that. Then we turned in our Reading Stations and the bell rang for recess. During recess we talked with my friends about school, going to amusements parks and girl stuff.
In Math we corrected our Math homework and Ms. Jensen gave us our Math test. I remembered most of the problems that were on our homework, so I think I did pretty well.
Finally, it was time for Mass; so we all walked across the yard to the church. After Mass, we returned to our class to gather our backpacks and we were all dismissed to go home for the weekend. YESSSS!!!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Wednesday, April 30 Reported By: Selena

Today is my birthday and I am so happy!!! My mom brought cupcakes for the class and a special lunch. Everyone wished me a “Happy Birthday.” It was really nice. At the beginning of the morning, we turned in all of our work and immediately started Religion. Following Religion, we visited the Reading Stations and later went to Recess. After recess, we had to go to an assembly. When we returned from the assembly, we began working on a Math Worksheet and visited the Math Stations. During math I was having some difficulties, but it will be over soon because school is almost out. Finally, it was lunch time . . . and boy did I have a yummy lunch. Following lunch, we had P.E. and we played When we returned from P.E., we started on Economics. Unfortunately, Economics is not one of my favorite subjects, but we are working a lot with money and today we talked about making a video store. That was really interesting. Well, it is the end of the day and we are all packing up to go home! I am so excited because I have surprises at home with my family, but I had one of the best days at school. Ms. Jensen and my classmates were really nice to me.