Friday, May 9, 2008

Thursday, 5/8/08 Reported By: Kimberley

 In the beginning of the day Ms. Jensen came to pick us up from the playground. Then went upstairs to our room and we settled in for the morning. Then we listened to  the Morning Prayer  which came over the intercom. After the prayer, they said the morning announcements. Today we did not do our D.O.L. (Daily Oral Language). We had to put our homework in the trays and we had to read our books which Ms. Jensen provided to us.


            When everybody finished reading chapters seven and eight, Ms. Jensen made us do a poem for Mother’s Day. I wrote a poem to my grandmother, I think she will love it. Before you knew it was snack time and we headed out the door to snack! When we got back snack time, we usually do our math but we cleaned up the room. When we finished the cleaning the room, we did math stations.


            By the time we finished math, it was time for lunch. After we ate our lunch, we played tag and  I did not get tagged. After lunch ,we returned to our room and opened up our businesses for sales. The name of our business is the “School Depot” which sales school supplies. After we closed our business for the day, we got dressed for  P.E. which started at 2:00 p.m. At P.E, we played capture the flag with the older grades and by the time you knew it was time for school to end!


Anonymous said...

I think that was good Kim, but you used the words, "before you knew it" a lot.'_' I still think you did a good job though! Keep up the good work Kim!:)

Anonymous said...

That was short but still really good .

from ,

Anonymous said...

that was a bit short and I don"t think it explained enough and it didn't come alive in my mind. but it was still pretty good.