Today is my birthday and I am so happy!!! My mom brought cupcakes for the class and a special lunch. Everyone wished me a “Happy Birthday.” It was really nice. At the beginning of the morning, we turned in all of our work and immediately started Religion. Following Religion, we visited the Reading Stations and later went to Recess. After recess, we had to go to an assembly. When we returned from the assembly, we began working on a Math Worksheet and visited the Math Stations. During math I was having some difficulties, but it will be over soon because school is almost out. Finally, it was lunch time . . . and boy did I have a yummy lunch. Following lunch, we had P.E. and we played When we returned from P.E., we started on Economics. Unfortunately, Economics is not one of my favorite subjects, but we are working a lot with money and today we talked about making a video store. That was really interesting. Well, it is the end of the day and we are all packing up to go home! I am so excited because I have surprises at home with my family, but I had one of the best days at school. Ms. Jensen and my classmates were really nice to me.
Slelen hope your birthday was a good one!
Great job even though there is
some mistakes,and the day kind of
went really fast,but still,it's
Selena after one of your sentences you forgot to put a pereiod but iI think it was really good.
Selena that was good and and there was just a little mistakes and i hope your birthday was a good one
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