When we got to Church, our prayers started with the Apostles’ Creed. Upon returning to class, we started our spelling pretests, but in the middle the bell rang for snack.

Our class has been working on partner inventions, so a little time before lunch we were able to work on them. My partner and I have invented Mutant Makeup. It is mascara, eyeliner, and lip balm combined in one specimen. At 12:20 lunch began. It lasts forty minutes. When we got back to the classroom, Social Studies began. We have been learning about the fifty states in the U.S. During Social Studies, we have been coloring pictures of each state. Afterwards was Science. In our books, we read pages B91-95 and on B95 we did questions 1-3. Now came time to write down our homework and pack up for the ending of a wonderful St. Timothy’s School day!
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