Today we came in from the playground with our teacher 8:00. As we all knew it was
April Fool's Day. Everyone immediately started on their logic link puzzle which is an
activity where you get five, six, seven or eight clues to solve a puzzle.
Next on our list of things to do today was finishing up our maps; which was where we
would pick a state, right the capital, rivers, mountains, etc. The class' next subject was
Religion. In Religion we would learn about the teachers in the Catholic Church which
was on page 163 in our Religion Work Book. We all learned how Peter was the leaderof the 12 Apostles and that one of the Apostles betrayed Jesus. Right after that we all
did a Religion Pop Quiz on the 12 Apostles and the Seven Sacraments. Then we tookout our Rosaries and our Rosary prayers. Then all of the students headed on their way
to the Church to pray the Rosary. When you pray the Rosary you pray 50 Hail Marys,
5 Our Fathers, one Apostle's Creed, one Hail Holy Queen and six Glory Bees. Then
everyone came back to class.
page 170 in our Language Book. Our lesson was about "subject, verb, agreement."We learned all about it; and watched a quick video on it. Then we had to complete
a page in our Language Workbook to see if we understood our lesson; there were ten
questions. Then there was snack, everyone went outside to eat and play. When wecame in, our class and the teacher talked about the states. Then we all started correcting
our math homework. Our teacher, Ms. Jensen, taught us about "symetric property of
equality." Everyone learned so much from this. Then everyone got started on their math
homework because they all got the lesson very easily. Afterwards, it was finally lunch time
and everyone came running down the stairs to have lunch.
had so much fun and learned so much from what our computer teachers taught us about
making movies. Our class then sang a song aboiut the states and their capitals right after
computer class. The person singing it was a cartoon chaacter named Wakko Warner.
Next everyone finished up their states that they worked on earlier during the day. Then we
packed up and left the school.
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