Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thursday, 2/7/08 Reported By: Josie

Good morning class! What a wonderful day today .the bells rang at 8:00 as usual. When we got to class we heard the morning annocements. But, today the 5th grade said it. After we did D.O.L (Daily Oral Language). After D.O.L our teacher Ms. Jensen let us work on our reading stations so that we won’t have to take it home on Friday. Our teacher is the best!!!!!!! I had to finish my wikispaces from last week because I was sick. But it wasn’t a lot. When I was done I had to cut out pictures of a magazine to make a list of our spelling words. But it was fun until end until we had to clean up .Then it was recess . At  recess we played soccer. But when the recess was over we one of our classmates got hurt so we couldn’t play any more. But its ok every one makes mistakes. But we were still working on our reading stations when we were done we did our fun brain. Fun brain Is a type of math game on the computer. Then it was lunch . At lunch we had to play a different game than soccer. So when lunch was done we did a little more reading stations. But while we were doing our reading statons we watched a movie called The Amazing Panda Adventure. After our teacher told us we had to do our Tuesday Packets. When we were doing our Tuesday Packets we listened to some jazz music. It was very fun . Another day at St. Timothy school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Josie, I really enjoyed reading about your day. I'm glad you are really enjoying fourth grade. Keep up the good work.
Love, Mrs. Di Giuseppe