Thursday, February 14, 2008

Wednesday, 2/13/08 Reported By: Nina

Today was a fun filled and exciting day at our school!  We first came into the class and unpacked our backpacks.  When we came in Ms. Jensen had a religion worksheet on the board for us to complete. Next, we went into Ms. Hauser’s room to take class pictures.   Meanwhile, the parent volunteer drivers began to show up in class.  We were going on a field trip to the La Brea Tar Pits.   Finally, Ms. Jensen separated out the students into groups.  

When we arrived at the La Brea Tar Pits we were running up and down the hill that was a lot of fun.  We then walk to the other side of the building towards the entrance.  When we walked we saw a movie it was a “Sneak Peak” at what we were going to see during our visit.  After the movie ended our guide came and let us out into the Museum.

We first looked at the Harlan’s ground sloth.   We discovered that it was six feet high.  We also learned that it was an herbivore.   Next we learn about Bison and how it mostly ran away from predators and actually fighting them.   We also learned about the Saber Tooth cat, American Lion, Columbian Mammoth, and the Camel.   Finally, we walked to Tar Pit 91 it is the only Tar Pit that they still find bones in.  

Before leaving the Tar Pits we had a chance to go the Gift Shop and purchase some souvenirs.  Afterwards we all went to McDonalds and most of us ate Fish-O-Fillet.  Finally everyone headed to the cars and drove back to St. Timothy School.  When arrived at school we went to our Physical Education class with Coach Beloz.   We had an accident occur and someone accidentally fell on the floor and they had blood on their knees.    Meanwhile we played a nice game of pitcher’s hand.  Finally we were ready to go home.   Another complete and exciting day at St. Timothy School came to an end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nina, I really enjoyed reading about your day at La Brea Tar Pits.
You described your day so well, and it really sounded like a lot of fun. I usually order the fish fillet at McDonald's too. Mychae'l and Josie showed me the great rocks they purchased at the gift shop. Josie even gave me a special rock for my own rock collection. Keep up the great work, Nina.
Love, Mrs. Di Giuseppe