Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wednesday, 2/6/08 Reported By: Kelly

This morning, after Ms. Jensen brought us to our classroom, we started doing Daily Oral Language (DOL).  After, we had reading stations.  The hippos’ (our groups’ name) assignments were to cut out letters from magazines and paste them onto a blank paper to make our spelling words for the week.  The following was snack.  Once snack was done, we had math.  In math, we had a subtraction timed test.  It’s when we are timed on subtraction facts.  When that was done, we corrected our math homework from last night.  Always after, we write math notes.  In math notes we learned about reducing fractions.  It seemed hard for me, but I finally got it.  We also did a game on reducing fractions and multiplying fractions by whole numbers.  When that fun game was over, we had math stations.  In math notes, Ms. Jensen put reducing fractions on the board, and we had to solve them.  Once that was done, we had lunch.  Since it was Ash Wednesday today, we had a late lunch.  We stayed out longer than usual because coach had to discuss something that happened at lunch.  When we got in our classroom we wrote down our assignments and packed up.  Because of the discussion at lunch, we had P.E. later also.  We all went home after P.E.  Of course, it was another great day of school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I enjoyed reading all about your day. Keep up the great work.
Love, Mrs. Di Giuseppe