Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Friday, 5/2/08 Reported By: Selena

Today is we get out of school early!  YEAH!!!  Even though we have a short day today, we have a lot of work to do. 

When we arrived in class everyone turned in their homework.  Following that, we started the morning with Religion.  Our lesson was about the different seasons during the year – summer, spring winter fall.  Discussing the seasons was fun and we also colored pictures of each of the seasons.  My favorite season of the year is summer because there is no school and it is vacation time.  My family and I usually go on a cruise, or travel out of state during summer months.

Once that was done, Ms. Jensen gave us a Spelling Test.  I felt really positive about the Spelling Test and I was happy about that. Then we turned in our Reading Stations and the bell rang for recess.  During recess we talked with my friends about school, going to amusements parks and girl stuff. 

In Math we corrected our Math homework and Ms. Jensen gave us our Math test.  I remembered most of the problems that were on our homework, so I think I did pretty well.

Finally, it was time for Mass; so we all walked across the yard to the church.  After Mass, we returned to our class to gather our backpacks and we were all dismissed to go home for the weekend.  YESSSS!!!


Anonymous said...

Great job Selena.Make sure you check yourwork.

Anonymous said...

Great job!Reread your work.