Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Wednesday, 5/21/08 Reported By: Mychae'l

Today, we came inside and saw this new mouse cage Ms. Jensen put together. After tat we started Religion. In religion we read over pg; 241-243. Once that was done we did reading station. In reading station we did comprehension question, extreme skateboarding language game, went to freerice on the computer, and word study. One we finished we that it was recess time.

After Recess we did Math. In math we did math station. During math station we played the allowance game, a game on the computer, calculators riddles, and a math sheet. Once math station was over it was lunchtime. After lunch it was P.E.

Once that was done we went over to the parish hall and heard speeches from students who are going to be students council. Once the speech was over we came in and did science. In science we read pg: C8-C11. Finally we wrote our assignments and when home.

What a wonderful day at Saint Timothy School!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was great but you should of not spelled "Saint" like that. But that was still good