Sunday, September 28, 2008

Friday, 9/12/08

Yes! It’s Friday! To start the day, Ms. Jensen took us in to the classroom. When we got in the room we unpacked our bags, got all the stuff we needed, and read the board for what we were supposed to do. After that we listened to the morning announcements. We have to work on pages in religion and if we finish we should work on pages in our handwriting book to improve our cursive.

          When everybody was pretty much done we went over bonuses for our classroom economy. Some of the bonuses were for doing Jensen’s Journalist and sending comments on other people’s reports. Other bonuses were for answering the club RAD questions. Then Ms. Jensen gave some of us money (fake money) for getting 100% on a math quiz and doing Jensen’s Journalist. Yippee! I was one of them!

          When Ms. Jensen was done handing out the $ (cash) we prayed another decade of the rosary. We have been praying a decade of the rosary each day. When we were finished we said a prayer to the Virgin Mary. Then we had to go to an assembly about a fundraiser. The man who was talking to us was shouting, but he gave out chocolate. (Not to me!) When we got back in the classroom we took our reading and vocabulary test.

          Ring! Ring! Ring! Finally we went to snack. Then we got back in the classroom and finished up our reading test. While we were waiting for other people to finish we could read or write in the journal. Soon we were all finished and it was math time L. First, we corrected our math from the night before. Then we wrote down our math notes for today’s lesson. Today’s lesson is about formulas and how they work. After that we were assigned tonight’s homework and we had to write it in our agendas. When we were done we had to raise our hand for Ms. Jensen to check it. YES! Finally, we packed our bags and got out of the classroom. Another fun day in 5th grade! J     

Thursday, 9/11/08 Reported By: Kelly

This morning at school our class had a substitute because Ms.Jensen, our teacher had to go to a meeting about ITBS tests.  When the bell rings we are still outside so we have to go to 6th grade because Ms.Harner was late.  While we are about to go in the 6th grade she comes so instead we go to our room.  After we all got settled in we have to empty our backpacks and get everything we need for today out.  Then when everyone was ready I came around to check agendas to make sure they got them signed from their parents. (That’s my job.)  When that’s finished Ms.Harner checked that everyone was here.  For our morning work we did a packet about Helen Keller.  Helen was blind and deaf by the age of two.  After twenty minutes we had to correct the packet.  I didn’t get anything wrong! 


            Once that was done, each of our groups did reading stations to help us with our reading.  Our group did comprehension questions and vocabulary.  Afterwards we had Language pages to do for practice, we had twenty questions.  Finally, snack time!  Sadly, when snack was done we corrected our math from last night and A1 pretest.  While correcting we all had an argument about edges on a square.  Then what I’ve been studying for came the math test.  I’m sure I did really good!  To give us a brake from work, Ms.Harner gave us free time.  Now was lunch which was really fun.  At the end of lunch Ms.Jensen came back!  She said the meeting was really boring, poor Ms.Jensen.


            When we got into the classroom she talked about what tests we need to study for.  After that we all wrote down assignments and packed our backpacks.  Then we talked about Helen Keller and what she had to go through being blind and deaf.  Ms.Jensen then puts on a movie about her but we only watched about 25 minutes of it.  So far I think everyone liked it!  At 2:00 coach comes in to teach us more about volleyball to study for our written test.  After about a half an hour we finally go outside.  The game we played today was flag football.  After another 30 minutes the bell rang for us to go home.              


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, 9/10/08 Reported By: Asha

Today was picture day so everyone looked extra nice this morning. I mean crisp white and blue shirts.  It is 8am in the morning and the school bell ranged and our class went upstairs to the classroom.  The homework listed on the white board had to be turned in.

We took everything out of our backpacks and hung them up. Then we did our religion. We learned about our feelings.

     After religion we went to recess and we played volleyball against the sixth graders.  We then went to our reading class. We introduced ourselves to the librarian and told her what our favorite book was.  My favorite book is How to eat fried worms.  Then we checked out books to read on our own.  Then we walked back to the classroom and started our math.  Then we were called to take our school day pictures.

     After pictures we went back to the classroom and finished our math because we had a long lesson today. Our lesson today was about unknown numbers in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Then we went to lunch and played volleyball against the sixth graders again.

     Then after lunch we went back to class and Ms. Jensen gave us a fifty states worksheet.  The worksheet was hard because there were no names of the states.  We had to remember all of the names of the states and put them in the correct order.  Wow! This was hard. Then we played one round of heads up seven-up. That was fun!!  Then it was time to pack up and go home.  Again we have another great day at St. Timothy’s school.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, 9/9/08 Reported By: Josh

Today when I got to school I thought it was kind of cold.  As usual, Ms. Jensen picked up my class to go inside.  When we got inside we read the morning message.  The morning message said to take out our religion book and to do page 41.  While we were doing our religion, the announcements went on.  When we were reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, the speaker sounded like he was kind of lost.  After the announcements Ms. Jensen said, “Get a Bible and to sit down on the carpet to pray one decade on the rosary.”

When we were done with the one-decade, Ms. Jensen assigned us our groups’ animal.  My group got the giraffe!!!  The class got through two rotations.  My group’s two assignments were vocabulary and word study.  A couple minuets later, our teacher gave us our offer letters for our school jobs.  I was so happy because I got my first pick, which was a banker.  Finally it was snack.  I had a bag of juicy plums for my snack.  My friends and I played catch with a football. 

Right when we got in from snack our teacher said, “Get your privacy folders for our math quiz.”  After the math quiz, we warmed up for math.  Our math warm up is a timed test, mental math and problem solving.  After we warmed up, we corrected our math homework.  While we were doing that, Ms. Richmond came in our classroom to ask if any of us wanted to do alter serving.  Three people wanted to, they were Grant, Sofia and Asha.  When that was done we continued with math.  Today’s lesson was about multi step problems.  Later, we did our lesson practice.  Finally, it was lunch.  I had pasta for lunch.  When we got outside it was burning hot.  During lunch we played a fun game of volleyball.

When we got in we listened to a C.D. about science.  Our teacher thought the C.D. was too slow, so we read it in our books.  After we did our science, we wrote our homework in our agendas.  Next, we made our Tuesday packet.  When we finished, Ms. Jensen showed us how to head our checks for our class economy and she also gave us our check registers.  Then Ms. Jensen told us to pack up our things.   Before we new it, school was over!!! 

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Monday, 9/8/08 Reported By: Reese

Today we came in at 8:00, we are starting the second week of 5th grade.  We started off writing to the Virgin Mary because today is her birthday. We drew, also. Now we're getting ready for Music because our Music is earlier from last year, it is now at 9:30a.m.. So we did Music for an hour, then we started our spelling pretest when we finished up from our Music class. After that we went to snack.
Everyone ate there snack and played, I had some chips.  Then we came in and had math, we are having a pop quiz tomorrow. Then we started our math homework and we got to do it for 30 minutes. Then we ate our lunch and played. After that we came in and started Social Studies.  We did pages 3-4 in our workbook after we read. Then we agreed on fines to pay if we were bad (Fake Money).  Finally we left St. Timothy School.

Friday, 9/5/08 Reported By: Kimberley

Around 8:00 a.m., Ms. Jensen walked downstairs to get her 5th grade class from the playground area. When we arrived in the classroom, we put away our books and backpacks and sat down in our assigned seats. We sat at our desks until two of the eight graders made the morning announcements over the intercom system. After the announcements, we said our morning prayer, which was “Our Father”, and we said the pledge of allegiance. Once everyone sat down again, we started our handwriting lesson. In the handwriting lesson, we wrote the song ‘This Land Is Your Land”. If someone finished early, you could start working on their project for their parent’s next Thursday.

Afterwards we had to come up with names for our classroom economy and other different places within the classroom. We decided to call the classroom economy “The City of Future Fish”. After that it time for recess for us, we walked down to the playground to eat our snacks and play. After recess, Ms. Jensen came down to the playground and took us back to the classroom. After we came in from recess, Ms. Jensen told us that we were going to do a math review test. On what we knew and what we needed to work on.

 Ms. Jensen gave us about 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish the review test. If someone finished early, you could do the crossword puzzle that had all of the names of my classmates and Ms. Jensen’s name too. Finally, the bell rang for lunch. After lunch, we did art project. In art, we made fishes out of plates for the classroom economy. Then Ms. Jensen said “Everybody take out your IPod Binder.”  Everyone took out their IPod Binders and then Ms. Jensen came around to sign everybody’s agenda. This was the end of the first week of school after summer vacation.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Thursday, 9/4/08 Reported By: Sofia S.

Well it was the 3rd day of school today.  Ms. Jensen, as usual, greeted us in the play yard and brought us in to class.  We started by unpacking our backpacks and starting with a word search that was of everyone's names.  I love word searches and thought that this word search was even more fun because I got to search for all the names of my classmates.  After that we started talking about Jensen's Journalists for this school year and I raised my hand to offer to be the first one.  Next we were given a timed math test that took 1 minute with 40 math problems.  I was happy that I finished the test in the one minute and got none wrong.  We then completed other math problems in our workbook.  Math lesson 2 was next and it was an easy lesson.  A writing project came after math class.  We all had to write an I Am poem.  We did a rough draft which we had to write in cursive and then type it.  After it was typed Ms. Jensen printed them out.  Shadows of our profiles were printed and Ms. Jensen gave them to us to cut out and glue the profile on a giant piece of paper and then we put the poem in the profile picture.  
Recess time!  I had my yummy snack and then the bell rang too soon.  We all lined up in number order.  This is something new this year.  We then went inside and had free time to do a word search or the I Am poem.  Some of us finished our homework and other wanted to do the word search. 
Lunch time came and after eating and playing we went back to class.  I finished my math homework and the word search.  Coach then came into our class and talked to us before our P.E. class.  He talked to us about the procedures in P.E. and the rules we have to follow.  He told us not to play right after eating.  We packed up our books and went out to the play yard.  Then we went to play kick ball for 30 minutes.  It was a good day in school and it feels nice to be back in school and to see my classmates everyday.  I was also happy that I was picked up early today because my Dad picked us up to go to my brother's soccer practice.