Sunday, September 28, 2008

Thursday, 9/11/08 Reported By: Kelly

This morning at school our class had a substitute because Ms.Jensen, our teacher had to go to a meeting about ITBS tests.  When the bell rings we are still outside so we have to go to 6th grade because Ms.Harner was late.  While we are about to go in the 6th grade she comes so instead we go to our room.  After we all got settled in we have to empty our backpacks and get everything we need for today out.  Then when everyone was ready I came around to check agendas to make sure they got them signed from their parents. (That’s my job.)  When that’s finished Ms.Harner checked that everyone was here.  For our morning work we did a packet about Helen Keller.  Helen was blind and deaf by the age of two.  After twenty minutes we had to correct the packet.  I didn’t get anything wrong! 


            Once that was done, each of our groups did reading stations to help us with our reading.  Our group did comprehension questions and vocabulary.  Afterwards we had Language pages to do for practice, we had twenty questions.  Finally, snack time!  Sadly, when snack was done we corrected our math from last night and A1 pretest.  While correcting we all had an argument about edges on a square.  Then what I’ve been studying for came the math test.  I’m sure I did really good!  To give us a brake from work, Ms.Harner gave us free time.  Now was lunch which was really fun.  At the end of lunch Ms.Jensen came back!  She said the meeting was really boring, poor Ms.Jensen.


            When we got into the classroom she talked about what tests we need to study for.  After that we all wrote down assignments and packed our backpacks.  Then we talked about Helen Keller and what she had to go through being blind and deaf.  Ms.Jensen then puts on a movie about her but we only watched about 25 minutes of it.  So far I think everyone liked it!  At 2:00 coach comes in to teach us more about volleyball to study for our written test.  After about a half an hour we finally go outside.  The game we played today was flag football.  After another 30 minutes the bell rang for us to go home.              



Anonymous said...

Hey kelly you did really good on your jensen journalists! Next time put a sad face next to sadly to show how you feel.

your friend,

Anonymous said...

kelly, wow you wrote a lot! it was really good but next time you should read it out loud and look to see if it makes sense. good job!!!

your friend,