Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Friday, 9/26/08 Reported By: Josh

Right when I got to school I saw an array of colors because it was free dress.  Today was the first free dress of the school year!  Our teacher picked my class and I up at 8:00 A.M.  When we got inside we read the morning power point and it said to get out our religion and work on the chapter review.  Five minutes later, the P.A. went on and the speaker said to make sure you gave your dollar to your teacher for your free dress.  The dollar goes to the Holy Childhood Association.

             After we did our religion we did our Time for Kids.  Today’s issue had articles about Barak Obama.  The article had information about the demmocractic party.  After our Time for Kids, Ms. Jensen said, “get a privacy folder for your group for the spelling test.”  After our spelling test, Ms. Jensen asked us to take out our reading books so we could read this week’s story.  This week’s story was Knots In My Yoyo String.  We did the comprehension part of our reading test on a scantron.  A scantron is a rectangular piece of paper and you have to fill in the squares.

            At 10:20 A.M. the bell rang because it was recess time.  We all rushed outside because there was a bake sale today.  A bake sale is when the student council comes together to sell food.  At recess it was too hot to be true.  The game we played was jump rope.

              When we got in from recess we corrected our math.  Later, we did page 15 in our math workbook.  When we finished our math we reviewed today’s lesson.  Today’s lesson was “Equal Groups” Problems with Fractions.   That lesson was kind of long.  When math was over, we had to pack up ad leave.  Today was a half day so we got out at 12:00 P.M.

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