Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Thursday, 10/23/08 Reported By: Reese

Our class came in today at 8:00a.m. into our 5th grade classroom.
   We quickly stated our religion lesson for today, I came in a little bit late so I got strait
  to my religion so I wouldn't have to do it later. Ms. Jensen started passing out class cash
 for the people that got good grades on tests and quizes. Next we practiced the prayers
The Apostles Creed and Hail Holy Queen.
We then started reading stations which was Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Word Study,
and Computers. Our group finished all our work except one person that had to do there classroom job.
Then we started talking about our service learning  project which was helping out families in need by giving
them animals.
Then we went to snack and ate our snack and played.
When we came in we started making speeches  about our service learning project to tell to the
other classes. Who knew it would take us this long!!! By the time we finished our speeches it was
lunch. So we went to lunch and played until that loud bell rang. Next we corected our homework
from last night. After that we took our Science Test, when it was over I heard a kid say
''I don't think I did good''. Finaly we packed up and ended our day by doing P.E. for one hour.

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