Thursday, May 7, 2009

Friday, 4/10/09 Reported By: Kim

Today I am the Jensen’s Journalist for April 10, 2009. My name is Kimberley. Today is the last day of school until April 20th because of Spring break! Ms. Jensen came downstairs to pick us up from the playground. When everyone got up stairs and unpacked their bags.

Everyone started the morning work, but the announcements and Morning Prayer came on. After everyone finished the morning work which was the TFK (Time for Kids). On the TFK everyone had to read the article then write a question on the TFK article. Everyone had to put it on the whiteboard. Afterwards, everyone did the worksheet.

Then Ms. Jensen said “Everyone get your rosary and line-up.’’ After everybody lined-up and walked to the Church, people were having mass, so everyone walked to the stairs of the Church. At the stairs of the Church their was a homeless person there. So Ms. Jensen took everyone to Good Friday Mass.

At the mass the songs were really pretty and nice, but the mass was overall powerful and effective. After Church everybody walked back to the school. When everyone got back to the school we listened to tape that read the story of the week that was Catching the Fire Philip Simmons, Blacksmith. The story made me look up to a blacksmith instead of look down at one. After, everyone did the reading and vocabulary test.

The vocabulary test was easier than the reading test for me. Then the bell rang for snack! At snack some people played soccer and some people played basketball. After snack people finished the reading and vocabulary test. Then Ms. Jensen passed out the fifty state test on the mid-west.

It was super easy for me. I think I got an A. Then Ms. Jensen made everyone write down their homework. Then it was time for the invention project. Afterwards, Ms. Jensen said “Everyone bring up your rubric if you are done.”

Josh, Grant, and Reese went up first, they did a invention called the movie-a- Nat or. Then Sharmaine and I went up are invention was called Whiteboard Perfecto! It was a scented whiteboard cleaner. Then Ms. Jensen said”Have a nice spring break.” That was Friday!

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