Thursday, May 7, 2009

Monday, 4/20/09 Reported By: Mychae'l

Today, we unpacked our backpacks and started our morning work. For our morning work, we had logic links, and a spring break paper. Logic links is a piece of paper that gives you clues so you can solve the problem. The spring break paper is when you write about what you did over spring break. While doing our morning work, the announcements came on. After the announcements, it was time for music class. During music class, we sang “Be Thou My Vision.’’
After music we prayed the rosary. For the rosary, our class decided to go to our school church. Next, we did our spelling pretest. On the pretest, we had words like: scar, starve, and return. Right before we corrected our spelling pretest, it was recess. During recess, it was burning hot I needed all the water I could get. Then, we came back in and corrected our spelling pretest.
Once we finished correcting our pretest, it was math time. In math we did our practice book, math lessons, and our math homework. While doing our math homework, Ms. Jensen said that we will stop and do language arts. In language art, we did a review of past and future tense. Next, we did one page of language in our workbook. After that, some students did their invention in front of the whole class.

After the invention, it was lunch time. During lunch time, it got even hotter! That was one of my big worries on the day; I’m glad that’s over. Finally, it was Social Studies aka… my favorite subject. In social studies, we learned more states and capitals sang the famous Wacko Warner Fifty states and their Capitals song. Then, we played a fun state game that Ms. Jensen created where we had to name the states in five seconds. I won the first round and came in second in the second round. Then, it was time for Science. In Science, we did a project with our groups to see which object would make the bulb light up. Sadly, the day is over.
Another wild day in the fifth grade classroom!

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