Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, 9/10/08 Reported By: Asha

Today was picture day so everyone looked extra nice this morning. I mean crisp white and blue shirts.  It is 8am in the morning and the school bell ranged and our class went upstairs to the classroom.  The homework listed on the white board had to be turned in.

We took everything out of our backpacks and hung them up. Then we did our religion. We learned about our feelings.

     After religion we went to recess and we played volleyball against the sixth graders.  We then went to our reading class. We introduced ourselves to the librarian and told her what our favorite book was.  My favorite book is How to eat fried worms.  Then we checked out books to read on our own.  Then we walked back to the classroom and started our math.  Then we were called to take our school day pictures.

     After pictures we went back to the classroom and finished our math because we had a long lesson today. Our lesson today was about unknown numbers in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Then we went to lunch and played volleyball against the sixth graders again.

     Then after lunch we went back to class and Ms. Jensen gave us a fifty states worksheet.  The worksheet was hard because there were no names of the states.  We had to remember all of the names of the states and put them in the correct order.  Wow! This was hard. Then we played one round of heads up seven-up. That was fun!!  Then it was time to pack up and go home.  Again we have another great day at St. Timothy’s school.


Anonymous said...

I liked how you included heads up seven up. But one thing that I would of included was that "The teacher came to pick us us when the bell rang". It was very good though.


Anonymous said...

Asha your jensen journalists was great but I think that when you said everyone looked crispy white what do you mean? other than that it was good!

Your best friend,