Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tuesday, 10/14/08 Reported By: Grant

When the bell rang, everybody went in his or her lines.  They were waiting for his or her teacher.  When Ms. Jensen picked us up we went to our classroom and started to unpack.  After that we had to do page 69 in our Religion book.  When we finished she gave out bonuses for our Classroom Economy.  We get bonuses if we get good grades on tests and if we reach a certain goal.

After she did that we read, “Darnell Rock Reporting” in our Reading book.  Then we started two of our Reading Stations.  I did Comprehension and Vocabulary.  10 minutes before Recess we worked on our Art Project.  It was an Art Project that Pablo Picasso did that only involves people made out of shapes playing an instrument.  Finally it was Recess.

            When Recess was over we did our Math workbook.  In our workbook we got timed for 40 problems, did mental math, and did a word problem.  Then we corrected that.  We got our Math Tests back.  In my opinion we did pretty good.  After that we all started a lesson in our Math book.  While we were doing that Josh and I opened the bank so people can get or deposit class cash.  Finally Lunch!

            Afterwards we watched a Science Video that helped us for our quiz we are about to take.  After that we started the Science Quiz.  Then we corrected our Science homework we did yesterday.  Finally we had our quiz.  After the quiz we started our Science lesson for today. 

            When that was over we handed out the papers for the Tuesday Packets, and packed up the packets.  Finally we started Social Studies.  We corrected our workbook that we did for homework last night.  Then we took our Social Studies quiz.  Then we packed up and went home.  What a nice day of school J.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Grant,
you're a super journalist!
I wasn't there but I still understood everything of what hapened.It's great!
