Friday, April 11, 2008

Friday, 4/4/08 Reported By: Reese

Today, everyone came in at 8:00AM.  Today is a half day.  We read our Time For Kids booklet and did the activity that came with it. Then the groups sold Ms. Jensen's stuff for class cash.  Following that, we corrected our Math homework.  After that we started our Math test --boring.  Then we went to snack.  When we came back we finished our test.  Our class went to the grand opening of Pre-Kindergarten.  Ms. Jensen was not happy with us because of our behavior.  Next we had to pay $50.00 to Ms. Jensen in class cash for being disrespectful.  Finally, we turned in our Reading Stations and went home.  Overall, it was a good day in fourth grade.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you did a relly good job Reese. But, your Jensen's Journalist was too small. Althuogh it was too small I think you told people what we did, and even extra. Good Job!
