Thursday, April 24, 2008

Monday 4/21/08 Reported By: Grant

When I got here at 7:17 a.m., I read a book until one of my classmates got here.  The book was called, “The Revenge of the Shadow King.”  After I read some pages, Erwan came.  When I saw him it was about 7:35 a.m.  We were just talking about Heritage Day projects while Josh and Reese came and joined us.  Heritage Day is a project you have to do on a country.  We were talking about it until the bell rang.  Ms. Jensen picked us up and went inside.

          When we got inside we turned in our homework and worked on Religion and do the activity.  Before anyone was finished we had to do our Spelling Test that we forgot to do on Friday.  After that, we did our Spelling Pretest.  I got 100% on both of them!  After all those tests we read the story, “Lewis and Clark” in our Reading Book.  It was a super long story! L  After reading the book we did one rotation in our Reading Stations.  I was doing Reading Comprehension Questions.  Afterwards we went to Recess.

          After Recess we did our Math Timed Tests.  That is when we get timed in our arithmetic.  Again I got 100%! J  Then we did something called, Runaway Math.  It is like a crossword puzzle but with numbers.  First, we did one together.  After, we did one that was a little bit easier, but we were racing!  Whoever is in the Top 5 gets a certain amount of Class Cash.  30 minutes past and got our Top 5.  I was in 4th place, but who cares.  I got $200!  After that we did our Language Arts until the bell rang for Lunch.  Luckily, I finished before Lunch so it won’t be homework.  After, it was lunch.

          After Lunch we did a Science Experiment on series circuits and parallel circuits.  We had to make both circuits and take out one bulb.  We had to write predictions, observations, and answer a few questions.  After that we did Social Studies.  We had to read and do a page in our Workbook.  After everyone was done did art.  The art we did was pointillism.  Pointillism is a painting with the primary colors, black, white, and you have to paint with only dots.  We did this until the day was over.  At the end of the day we packed up and went home.  “The fun day is over!”      

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was great except at the end it should of said "The fun day was over instead of is over but overall that was great.

