Today I was once again, “Jensen’s Journalist”. I really have no problem with being Jensen’s Journalist. Today, it was too windy and cold for anyone to stand outside, so as soon as we got to the school we had to inside. As the bell rung we all got unpacked and started on our handwriting poem called “What is Life?”. The poem was about life. I think handwriting is easy and my best subject.
If you finished the handwriting then you had to start on your Time for Kids. Time for Kids was mostly about space, and the title was “Are We Alone?” I personally don’t believe in all that mumbo jumbo. Then when you finished you were supposed to be working on the Time for Kids worksheet, usually the worksheets are easy. Then Mr. Howell walked into the room with his big grey electric piano. Once we warmed up our voices, we talked about how Unison is the ratio of 1:1, and the Octave is the ratio of 2:1. Then he said, “ Open your textbooks”.
Afterwards, we sung “Down by the Riverside.” I think “Down by the Riverside” was a nice, fast, uplifting song.
Once music class was over, we worked on our morning work. I was nearly done with my TFK {Time for Kids} worksheet. After 10 or 20 minutes, Ms. Jensen told us to take out our privacy folders for our Spelling Pretest. I did okay on it, but I got two wrong, so I got 18/20. Once we finished, we took our rosaries out and prayed. Finally, the bell rung, and we went to recess. Once the end of recess bell rang, we all lined up, came inside and started on math. I don’t like math, and math doesn’t like me either. Today we learned about Using Proportions to Solve Ratio Word Problems, I thought today’s lesson was easy. During math they announced the winners of the Science Fair in our class, and Kelly got first place, Josh got second, Asha got third place, and Selena got fourth place. Then we got out our Science Lab books. I used to be terrible at Science, but now I’m great. Today we were doing a science
project about Investigating Potential Energy. Ms. Jensen said, “We had until Lunch to finish”. Today’s project was pretty easy.
The bell rang and it was finally Lunchtime! Once we got back from Lunch we did Social Studies. In Social Studies we were starting a new unit. We are finally starting to do
the 50 states!
Today we did 13 out of the 50 states, and we did the Western states. Today we were coloring the state of Alaska. I didn’t really know that much about Alaska, but now I know a little bit more. The bell rung once again, so we had to write down all our assignments in our a
gendas, and get them signed by Ms. Jensen. We then had to get packed up go home. Another day waits.

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