Monday, March 2, 2009

Tuesday, 2/24/09 Reported By: Sophia

Hooray today is Mardi gras, which means Fat Tuesday! Ms. Jensen came out, looking serious as usual. When we got in the classroom we unpacked and sat down. We had to do a logic link puzzle that had to be done in 10 minutes, because we had to go to the library today. Just as people were finishing up on their logic puzzles, the phone rang. When Ms. Jensen was done talking she told us that library was canceled. Everybody started saying things like “What!” and “Ohh!”
            When everyone had finished the logic puzzle Ms. Jensen said to take out our religion book and a correcting pen. We corrected the religion homework from last night. Three people didn’t do it. Next we got the vocabulary words for this week’s story. We had to write our hypothesis and then see if we were right. After we completed that we listened to a tape reading this week’s story which is called
The Greeks and The Romans.
            Following that Ms. Jensen read us a story about Mardi gras. Afterwards we took a quiz on the story. When we were done Ms. Jensen passed out a paper that had a mask shape drawn on it. We were decorating Mardi gras masks! Then the bell rang and it was time for snack. When we got back in the classroom we continued with our masks. Everybody’s masks looked awesome! When everyone was done we took several pictures with our masks on. After that we corrected our math homework, and did our fast facts, mental math, and problem solving. After math time it was lunch. When we came in from lunch we finished watching
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and it’s not the one that most people know. It’s the one with the 6ft tall beavers, and the silver witch, and the really fake looking Aslan. Then we did Tuesday packets and wrote our homework down in our agenda. RIINNGG!!! It’s the end of the day, so we get to go home and have as much to eat as possible!!

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